Thứ 2 - Thứ 7 8:30 - 17:30



Filtration in Steam and Power Generation

The demand for power has never been greater, and neither has the demand for efficient solutions to produce it. Because water plays a key role in steam and power generation processes, the filtration and gas management solutions you choose is critical to a successful operation.

3M filtration has innovative, reliable and efficient solutions for steam and power generation applications to help you meet the demanding needs of your industry.

Applications for Steam and Power Generation

We’re here to help. For more than 100 years, 3M Purification has partnered with our customers to develop innovative filtration and purification products to help in their processes.

Source Water Pre(RO)

The water you use to generate steam and turn turbines must be filtered to reduce particulate and to control dissolved gasses that can cause scale or other deposits on expensive hardware. Over time, particulate and excessive oxygen in the water can negatively affect the efficiency and performance of your operation.

3M’s filtration products provide the solutions needed to help provide the high-quality water needed for steam and power generation.

Featured Products

3M™ High Flow Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ DF Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series Filter Cartridge

Boiler Feedwater

Steam generation requires high-quality feedwater to help ensure efficient system operation. High-performance filtration can help prevent boiler corrosion and scale buildup which can impact the efficiency of the boiler and can lead to turbine failure.

3M has the filtration solutions you need to help ensure your boiler feedwater meets your system requirements.

Featured Products

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors

3M™ High Flow Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ High Flow HFR Series Filter Cartridge

Cooling Water Loop & Blow Down

The objective of cooling water filtration is to ensure that particulate does not foul heat exchangers and other equipment in the cool water loop.

3M has filtration solutions that are designed to help filter your blow-down water to help reduce equipment fouling and the load on the power plants downstream waste water.

Featured Products

3M™ High Flow Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ High Flow HFR Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ DF Series Filter Cartridge


Before water can be further treated or reused, a complex mix of dissolved gases and other contaminants must be removed. Although removal of these dissolved gases can be challenging, the right gas management solution can help provide the process water you need for your operation.

3M has gas management solutions to help improve your facility’s operating efficiency, performance and protect product quality.

Featured Products

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors

3M™ High Flow Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ High Flow HFR Series Filter Cartridge


The steam and power generation process creates contaminated water that needs to be filtered before it can be properly discharged into the environment.

3M has wastewater filtration solutions designed to help you protect the environment and meet increasingly stringent discharge requirements.

Featured Products

3M™ High Flow Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ High Flow HFR Series Filter Cartridge
